Welcome to the teen years! This time is often overwhelming for parents, especially if this is the first child to enter the teen years. More and more, parents express the frustration of raising their child, especially a teen, in a more secularized society.
The good news? You, as parent/parents, do not have to navigate the teen years alone! Many parents have gone before you and can be a GPS for these years.
The youth ministry staff at Our Lady of Grace does not only serve and minster to the young people, but also to the parents of those young people. The youth ministry staff is always here to support you in your efforts to raise your teen in the faith. We pull together resources from youth ministers, parents, and the latest research to provide you with knowledge, recommendations, and ideas.
In this section there are a number of links to documents and websites that you may find helpful; some are very serious and others posses a humor. In addition the youth ministry office owns copies of a fabulous short book entitled Raising Happy, Healthy, and Holy Teenagers” by Dr. Bob McCarty, former director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry.
We hope that you find what you need in our PARENT CORNER, but if you do not, we are always a phone call or email away! We will always be here to help you to the best of our ability! Please check back for frequent updates and additional resources!
UPDATED 11/16/18