What is a Core Team?
A Core Team is made up of adults who chose to respond to their baptismal call by serving our young people. They assist the youth minister to build holy, healthy, and appropriate relationships with our young people. Core Team members model Christian discipleship primarily through their presence at Youth Ministry and parish gatherings.
Who can serve on the Core Team?
The basic requirement to serve on the Core Team is a strong faith and calling to serve young people. There is no one, perfect Core Team member, but rather we look to build a diverse group to serve the needs of young people. We look for people of all ages with the heart of a servant and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Persons who volunteer in any way with young people are required to go through state and diocesan-required clearances and trainings. These are free of charge to the volunteer and require a minimal time commitment.
How much time is required of a Core Team member?
Core Team members are asked to commit the time to attend at least two Youth Nites per month. Consistency is key to building relationships!
I am interested in joining the Core Team, what do I do next?
Rather than just filling out a volunteer form, we would love to meet you face to face! Please contact the parish office.
What if I can’t make a commitment to being on the Core Team, is there another way I can help?
We recognize that many people, especially parents, want to help the Youth Ministry in some way but do not have the time needed to make a solid commitment to being on the Core Team. We do have opportunities for parents to assist by being chaperones, carpooling, helping with snacks, and assisting with special-events planning such as the Easter Party and Donut Sundays.
Thank you for taking the time to consider joining the Core Team!